Questions, questions, and more questions
Why do so many people believe in a God?
Because without that belief, they would have to choose for themselves and this has consequences they don't want to face.
Why do so many people believe in multiple Gods?
Because each God represents a part of their lives that they can abdicate responsibility for. They become blind to the truth of what they do.
Why do so many people believe in no God?
Because they see themselves as the centre of their existence and being human is enough.
Why do so many people believe in nothing outside themselves?
Because they haven't stood still long enough and standing still means examining what is occurring in front of their eyes.
Why do so many civilisations develop a belief system that includes gods?
Because the vast majority are dissatisfied with not understanding and a small minority can exploit that. Religious belief could be seen as the forerunner of scientific thought and practice.
Why do people take so long to change, if at all?
Because they have not yet stood on the precipice. Standing at the edge of oblivion, being confronted by the death of something forces us to either step back or step into the new life. Mostly, stepping back is easier for them, not realising (how could they?) that stepping forward is much more powerful.
Whys is the future so important to so many people?
Because they are not yet satisfied with the present moment and because the past still has such a hold on them that they want the time to change it.
What is true education?
It is the product of curiosity, self-discipline and experience combined with the power of self-reflection.
Why am I writing these questions and answers?
Because I am trying to make sense of the world I inhabit. Because my past has caught up with me and has become more and more toothless and because my future is becoming increasingly short.
Of course, there are many other possible answers to these questions, each with its own basis. That's the wonder of being human. My contention is that many of us don't give ourselves enough time to explore our true motivation: we may be too preoccupied trying to decipher the motivations of others.
A wise old owl sat in an oak.
The more he heard, the less he spoke;
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
Why aren't we all like that wise old bird.
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