What do we nourish in ourselves?
It is said that inside every human being there are two wolves.
These wolves are continually struggling with each other. Day by day, they meet in combat, each hoping that this day will be the day of victory.
But they both need food to stay strong and therefore able to repel the attacks of the other.
One loves anger, rage, control and manipulation, salivates for aggression and personal pride.
The other loves gentleness, generosity, thoughtfulness, determination and self-respect.
Eons ago, the ancients saw the same patterns in the wolf packs they slowly took into their own families. And they recognised the spirits of those majestic canines entering the lives of their human companions.
Which wolf inside each of us would ultimately win this battle?
The ancients learned that the victory does not belong to the strongest wolf but to the one we feed.
- 12 Monkeys
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